Welcome to Wessex Wellbeing
The home of great resources to improve your, or your employees, wellbeing.

Welcome to the Wessex wellness and wellbeing hub
Taking care of ourselves is important at any time, but it’s something we all really need to be aware of right now. Having extra time on our hands can be a good thing. It can allow us to rest, take stock or indulge in our favourite hobbies or pastimes.
But when we’re at a loose end, with not much to do, our minds can often wander into negative thinking which can start to affect our wellbeing.
This is the place to look for videos, guides and articles which you can view and read any time at your leisure. Everything here will is always available so you can revisit as often as you like.
Mindfulness 101
An introduction to mindfulness – what it is and what it means – and some daily exercises for you to work into your daily routine.
Find your Wellness
What really makes us happy? From having a good belly laugh, listening to a great song or getting outside.
Mood-boosting moves
We’ve got some easy for all levels exercise videos and look into the benefits of getting up and moving every day.
.....And Breath
We’ve got some great meditation resources and reminders of how important it is to switch off.
Join in the conversation and let us know what you thought about #WessexWellbeing on our social pages!
Useful Contacts
Call NHS 111 (for when you need help but are not in immediate danger)
Contact the Samaritans – 116 123 (free to call from within the UK and Ireland), 24 hours a day
Contact the Shout crisis text line – Text SHOUT to 85258
Call the Mind Infoline (Mon – Fri 9am -6pm) – Call 0300 123 3393 or text 86463
Contact your GP and ask for an emergency appointment
If you need emergency help:
Call 999
Go to your local A&E department